Twelfth Night
By William Shakespeare
November 2-4, 2023, at 7pm
“Viola and her twin brother Sebastian have been shipwrecked; each believes the other to be drowned. Viola disguises herself as a young man and, under the name of Cesario, gets a job as a servant for the Duke, Orsino.
Orsino is in love with Olivia, but she's mourning for her dead brother, so has rejected all his advances so far. He sends Cesario (who is really Viola) with love letters to woo Olivia on his behalf. Unfortunately for the Duke, Olivia is taken in by Cesario’s disguise and falls in love with him.
Viola has secretly fallen in love with Orsino, and Orsino is confused by his feelings for his new ‘male’ servant. So, Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia and Olivia loves Cesario/Viola.”
Add into this love triangle an overbearing butler, wild family members who stir up trouble, and Feste the clown with a comeback for everyone and you’ve got a recipe for tons of laughter.
We hope you can join us for the show! Email any questions to Mrs. Tobiason at LTobiason@hcpss.org.

Cast List
Orsino - Sebastian Hurt
Valentine - Shuvai Chivanga
Curio - Logan Woodward
Viola - Jenna Dodge
Sea Captain - Noah Wainwright
Sebastian - Ash Carpenter
Antonio - Rin Goodlin
Maria - Majolie Tall
Sir Toby Belch - Alex Finger
Sir Andrew Aguecheek - Cameron Cole
Malvolio - Michael Steinberg
Feste - Zofie Blair
Olivia - Kayleigh MacLean
Olivia's Attendant - Brianna Dunn
Fabian - Madelyn Berkowicz
Priest - John Roberts
First Officer/Olivia's Attendant - Katie Johnson
Second Officer - Stephanie Aviles
Production Team
Director/Producer: Mrs. Lauren Tobiason
Assistant Director: Ms. Grace Quade
Intimacy Coordinator: Ms. Lauren Lowell
Fight Coordinator: Mr. Russell Rinker
Assistant Student Director: Jenna Dodge
Costume Designer: Jacob Paul
Lighting Designer: Bert Roberts IV
Stage Managers: Jacquie Somerville, Bert Roberts IV
Assistant Stage Managers: Julia Abernethy, Amber Proctor