These Shining Lives
By Melanie Marnich
Thursday, 11/7 at 7pm
Friday, 11/8 at 7pm
Saturday, 11/9 at 2pm
Saturday, 11/9 at 7pm
MAKE UP performance: Sunday, 11/10 at 2pm (only used if a performance is cancelled)
These Shining Lives chronicles the strength and determination of women considered expendable in their day, exploring their true story and its continued resonance. Catherine and her friends are dying, it's true; but theirs is a story of survival in its most transcendent sense, as they refuse to allow the company that stole their health to kill their spirits—or endanger the lives of those who come after them.
Parents and Guardians—Use the buttons below if you’d like to sign up to help with meals, ticket sales/candygrams, or concessions.
Production Team
Director/Producer: Lauren Tobiason
Technical Director: Donald Chiarella
Assistant to the Director: Patrick Burns
Costume Designer: Jacqui Maranville
Assistant Director: Isabel Berry
Stage Manager: Emiila Azurmendi
Assistant Stage Managers: Kaiya Bumbray & Katie Mason
Cast List
I - 11/7 and 11/9 at 7pm
II - 11/8 at 7pm, 11/9 at 2pm
Catherine - Sarah Meklir II
Skylar Shaffer I
Tom - Ali Khalid II
Carlos O'Ryan I
Charlotte - Julia Steinberg II
Danielle Gilbert I
Mr. Reed - Isaiah Olujide II
John White I
Frances - Katie Marshall II
Jasmine Britt I
Pearl - Sera Chase I
Sydney Finger II
Grossman - Kristina McKirahan II
Avery Moe I
Company Doctor - Riley de Leeuw II
Michael McDonald I
Dr. Dalitsch - Kennedy Grant II
Kelly Kujawa I
Dr. Rowntree - Jordan Kreh II
Sydney Phillips I
Son/Radio Announcer - Matthew Dietrich I
Deacon Sweeting II
Daughter/Reporter 2 - Zoe Sanders I
Alara Sheriff II
Reporter 1 - Rachel England I
Max de Leeuw II
Judge - Evan Jacobs I
Isabel Moskov II